once again the Adelaide Reunion is over for another year. It was held
over the weekend of 1st, 2nd and 3rd of April 2016 at Glenelg, Adelaide.
This year we were very lucky to have a couple of new "young"
chaps join us oldies in the shape of Roger "Mr Universe"
Walker (no pun intended) and Syd Pavitt. Syd travelled from Perth
WA and Roger from Sydney. As for the rest of us we are old hands now
at making the weekend a good one.
We gathered at what is now our usual venue, the Glenelg Motel, at
1730 on Friday April 1st for an evening of lamp swinging and good
food, provided of course by the Motel kitchen. This year not just
finger food but a sit down roast. The bar was open and didn't close
until, well quite late. Our accompanying ladies also appeared to enjoy
This year it was decided we try a new venue for the Saturday Lunch
so it was organised to be held at the Morphett Arms Hotel in Adelaide.
All met at 1200 for photos, one of which is attached. John Meir said
grace, the Loyal Toast was proposed by Mick Dowrick, Absent Friends
by myself, and with Bob Chumley as Master of Ceremonies. I am told
that all enjoyed the food and the new venue.
On Sunday 3rd once more at the Motel, again another sit down meal
in the form of BBQ style food, the food was good and no complaints.
It is now tradition at our Sunday event that a poem, composed by and
sent from Ireland's own Poet Laureate Paddy Semple, is read by Barrie
Baker in his best Irish brogue, [even though he came from Macklesfield].
This year Paddy included a verse ending with Absent Friends, at this
point Barrie read out the names of all NINE (9) who have been part
of our group over the years but have passed on since our reunions
started in 2004. A very solemn and moving moment.
Unfortunately Roger and Syd had to leave to catch their respective
flights so things had to be hurried along a little. Both have said
they will definitely be with us again next year. Hopefully they will
bring a few more with them. Attending along with them of course were
the following: Mick Dowrick, Barrie Baker, Ginge Chamberlain, Mike
Thompson, Ray Taylor, John Meir, Bob Chumley and self, Eric Hayward.
We were joined by members of the HMS Ganges Association as well as
a long time friend in the shape of ex RMB Raymon West's son, Steve
Adkins. Raymon is/was well known by both Michael Hutton and Jim Mason
both of whom have attended from UK on several occasions.
I must add, if it were not for my partner Jan I would not have been
able to attend as I am no longer able to drive, so she drives all
of the six hundred and fifty Kilometres to get me there and back.
Due to the success of this reunion all agreed next year is a goer
and we will gather once more at the same place on Friday 24th March
2017 for the usual three day event. As per usual wives and or partners/friends
will be included.
My best regards to all of your readers as well as yourself Richard.
Eric Hayward

left to right - Rob [Ginge] Chamberlain, Mick Dowrick, Mike Thompson,
John Meir, Barrie Baker, Syd Pavitt, Bob Chumley,
Roger Walker, Ray Taylor, Eric Hayward