we were both in the band service at the same time I never met up with
Richard until we exchanged our "Bombay Bowlers" for the civvy
type when we both became school bands stewards at the East of England
As time went on we became stewards for all bands and later on we co-opted
Vic Sylvester to the team. During all of this time I found Richard to
be kind and understanding and firm. He would always ask us when we wanted
to go for lunch and then make his time to fit in with that. On occasions
bands would turn up having forgotten their stands, Richard knew other
conductors well enough to borrow from them. Similarly if anyone stepped
out of line they could be for it. On one occasion a young lady alleging
to be from "Health and Safety" came and berated Richard because
there were no stewards in attendance. This happened to be a fatal mistake
on her part for when he pointed out to her where we all were and then
found out that she should not have been there in the first place it
was only the presence of the show's General Secretary that saved her
from a verbal annihilation.
During the last two shows I felt that all was not well with him but
he would never admit to it. This year we arranged for Bill Harrison
to join the team and we had one of Richard's former pupils with us for
some time by now, thus we were going to be a formidable force in a brand
new venue. This was not to be, and although we were hoping Richard would
be brought along in his wheel chair to review us, again this was not
to be. Until we all make it there, see you in the counter march.
Vic Sylvester, Bill Harrison, Peter Clark and Karen Bentley (Richards
one time pupil)
PS. The photograph, taken at the Peterborough Show some three years
or so ago, shows from left to right Richard, Peter and Vic.