Memorial Garden - 2024
The years since the bombing in Deal have taken their toll on the whole of the Memorial Garden in Walmer culminating recently with the arrival of a plant disease that destroyed all the box hedging and much else besides. Margaret, my wife, has constantly tended the garden since it was initially consecrated ensuring that each week fresh flowers are in situ and the site kept tidy. Her constant badgering of the local council, who have responsibility for the area, culminated some weeks ago with a site meeting to discuss the way in which the Garden could be properly maintained. The result has been extraordinary and hugely successful. Trees and shrubs removed and replaced. Box hedging totally replaced with a disease resistant variety and young bedding plants given space to thrive. All of this timed to allow visitors to Deal for the annual concert on the nearby Memorial Bandstand by the Royal Marines Band this coming weekend to enjoy the peaceful ambience of the Garden. By September, when the Garden will again be the venue for true remembrance on the 35th anniversary of the bombing and visited by bereaved families, much of the plants will have matured. I have great pleasure today in attaching some pictures taken today of somewhere with pride and remembrance etched into every aspect. With
warm regards to all. Thanks to the extended Hoskins' family for the additional photos. |