a photo of the Ark band cricket team 65/66 Far East cruise. As you can
see I (with some help from "Oggie" Busby) have named most
of them. Maybe there will be someone trawling the site who can put a
name to one or two of them.
ask anyone who can help to e-mail ""
in the middle of sorting out some pictures (which I've got to convert
from half frame slides) and some words and I will send you a "dit"
on the year 65/66 cruise of the Ark to help fill up your memories site.
site does a great service to us all and keeps us in touch with many
of our friends.
Thank you for the excellent work.

has supplied some names and I can assert with confidence that I see
Charles Laws, Sid Sheard for sure.
Here are others mentioned and if anyone can help with more and as to
where these individuals are poised, it would be greatly appreciated.
Fretwell, 'Dip' Hillman, 'Ginge' Davis, [second one in behind Ian Epps
far right]
Ken Kelley [far left behind Charlie Laws with his left hand on his crotch]
Barney Winchop, Jock McClaren, Geoff Hill, Pete Smith, Pete Sheldon,
'Eggy' Epps.
Harry Keslake, Mostyn Cole, Mick Hayes.
Sid Sheard:
Dear Richard.
Thankyou for your email. It is always good to hear from you. As regards
the photo. The guys on the left as you look at it are Alf Bromley, Alan
Rigden, Ken Kelley, Charlie Laws, Eddie Pescud with the green beret
on, and two away from Eddie Pescud is I believe Noddy Kyle. Sitting
on the ground are Peter Fox, George Fenlon, and my goodself. The names
mentioned above were all members of HQ3rd Commando Brigade band stationed
at Sembawang Hills in Singapore. The other guys in the photo are members
of Ark Royal band who were on a visit to Singapore, and as usual when
a RN ship visits Singapore the RM band are challenged to either a football
or cricket match which is played at the Naval base in HMS Terror, so
most of the names of Ark Royal band are not all known to me. The only
one in the photo that I recognise and remember is Pete Smith 4th from
the right, as we served together in Malta in the late fifties. I hope
this helps you Richard. Charlie is doing ok. I see him regulary around
Deal town. As you know Alan (Shanks) Shanklands funeral was on monday
8th Feb which Me and Charlie attended along with many many other ex
RMBs. The turnout was a credit to Alan and his wonderful family. After
the service we gave him a good send off at the RMA in Deal. It's been
a sad few weeks with the loss of four members of our wonderful family,
which is the Royal Marines Band Service.
God watch over them as they rest in peace.
Once again Richard its great to hear from you again. Keep up the good
looks as though we are getting there with the help of Oggie Busby, Sid
Sheard, David Mutter, Miles Attwell, you and I.
line up
left to right: Peter Fox, George Fenlon, Sid Sheard
row standing: Alf Bromley - Alan Rigden - Charlie Laws - Eddie
Pescud - Mosten Coles - Noddy Kyle or Titch Perry??
Jim McClaren - Mick Hayes - Pete Smith - Pete Shelton - Ian Epps
row standing: Ken Kelly - Barney Wincop - Geoff Hill - Ken
Fretwell - Dip Hillman - Ginge Davis
If any of our readers
think we've made a mistake please feel free to get in touch.
Best regards