Back Row from left to right
Standing B/M Graham Shipway, two unknown Arab technicians, seated
Frank Tomlin, Vic Asher, standing Eric Hayward, Brian Oates, Pete
Centre Row
All seated. Ted Lee, Ray Banning, Pete Redfern, -?- Neil Ashley, -?-
Dennis Swann, Ron Kempton, Ron McKay, Pete McRoy, Ron McCallum
Front Row
All seated. Terry Parker, Buster Elver, Harry Henshaw, Dip Hillman,
Jim Phillips, Sailor Brown, George Brookes.
Band members missing from photo were,
Ken [Jan] Keast, John Bradshaw
Few nicknames but that's all they were known by, also two Christian
names I can't bring to mind, those of Ashley and Swann
Kind regards
Eric Hayward
PS: I have no idea how you do things at your end but it is absolutely
great to be able to view things from so many years ago. Richard, if
I may say so, you are brilliant.
[Editor] If it were not for my assistant these amazing pages would
not be so interesting but I thank you for your kindness. It is a privilege
to create all this on your behalf.