there Richard!
Please find attached a couple of photographs.
The first is the 2/70 New Entry Squad at the Royal Marines School
of Music, Deal.
Dave Bromley, of the Royal Band at Portsmouth, is the only one in
the picture that is still serving, almost 35 years on!
I see that you visited your brother in Wales quite recently. The
other photo features myself and Irfon (Taff) Higgins admiring the
excellent view across the Brecon Beacons.
Walker - Irfon (Taff )Higgins

Click on image for larger version
left the RMBS in 1985 to pursue a career in the 'Old Bill' whilst
I carried on and did 26 years, retiring in 1996 (incidentally, that
was longer than what the Great Train Robbers got!)
A couple of weeks ago, my wife Val and I paid a surprise visit to
Taff to help him celebrate his 50th birthday. (The majority of the
2/70 squad on the photo will be 50 this year!)
Alas, a few of those pictured are no longer with us. I will mention
a couple: Clive Allison (who changed over to be a RM Drill Instructor)
and Brian Goldsmith (Solo Cornet) Both of these guys were great
friends and tragically lost their lives early in life.
As you can see, we are both 35 years older than our squad photo!
Taff is as grey as a badger and I'm now wearing specs (like many
others, I guess!)
Keep up the excellent work with the website.
Best regards
Billy Walker
French Horn (Rtd)
Ex RMB 1970-1996