Tex Rickards at 70! My one and only professional portrait. On passing for duty 1947
Tex Book - Chapters : 1 2

Tex Rickards

Hi Richard,

Just a photo to add to your collection on the site. This was taken last year on my 70th birthday. None of the fuss and bother that some ex-buglers go to for a 60th birthday, but a pleasant breakfast, card opening ceremony whilst on holiday at Kissimmee, Florida.

Having had a response from one or two ex Band and Bugle members I thought I would add a little something. In my last communication I mentioned that I had just finished writing a book. Well........I am now editing the full book down to cover my time in the Corps. So if anyone out there would like to know more about it, you know, the progress in the technique of instruction from the 'bad old days' up until the time I left the Corps, with a history of my rise from Boy Bugler to the esteemed appointment of Bugle Major, including a record of my drafts and escapades. Please 'get in touch' and I will furnish you with the details. [FREE OF CHARGE] I know, hard for a bugler to give anything away.

On the other hand, if you consider it worthwhile to include it on your website Richard, let me know and it will make things easier all round. My e-mail address is pgrtips@btinternet.com Well, that's about it for now.

All the very best to all readers,

Tex Rickards

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