Boy Buglers ReunionOntario-Canada. |
Robinson :
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The ex Boy Buglers of Southern Ontario - Canada held their third annual re-union, to date to the best of our knowledge their are only two of us namely Jim Hendrickson R.M. 14045 (1954 - 62) and Pat Robinson Po/x 5535 (1945 - 52); we look for more? This year we had the privilege of another ex BOY bugler visiting from the U.K. by the name of "PODGE" Overbury Po/x 3834 (1939 - 70); a name well known to many in the Corp. Jim Hendrickson being the Ontario R.M.A. secretary mentioned the visit from Podge to some members of the Branch, and a few who had crossed paths with Podge during their service career asked to be included in the re-union; they were Sam Andrews Ch/x 4709 (1946 - 58), Ron Love RM 8906 (1949 - 56) also visiting from the U.K., Jim McGranachan RM 201226 (1953 - 55), Mike Cubitt RM 201817 (1954 - 56), and Neil Pennington RM 16380 (1957 - 63) The re-union was held at Jim and Marsha Hendrickson's home, and "UP SPIRITS" was sounded at 1100 Hrs. Marsha had prepared a very tasty and delicious lunch but must have thought she was serving the ships company of Royal Marines as there was more than enough for our gathering. (No doubt Jim had some of it for dinner that night?) At noon we gathered around the T.V. to watch the 2 hour video of the "Presentation of Colours" on The Hoe at Plymouth, that Jim had converted to our Canadian format. At the conclusion we all agreed it was an excellent showing, and then we gathered around the table once again and with the bubbly flowing we reviewed our lives in the Corp over the years, needless to say the "Lamps were Swinging!" "Podge" was in great form as usual and entertained us for most of the two hours with stories of how as a boy in Pompey he complained about the food at rounds one day, and another story how as a very senior N.C.O. he upset a certain R.S.M. (No names no pack drill), and many other stories. It was suggested that Podge should write all these little stories down for posterity much like Robin Rowe has done with his book "STICKY BLUE" "A boy and a Battleship", and Len Chesters Tale of "STICKS". Our
meeting drew to a close at 1600 Hrs with thanks to Marsha and Jim for
a brilliant meal and plenty of bubbly, we look forward to our next re-union
in August 2002, who knows we may find more ex BOY buglers here in Southern
Ontario. Should you be in the area please give us a call: Another ex Royal has just come to light by the name of Ronald Tatham, Ex 1087 aged 82 and just re-married, served with 101 Brigade 542 Flotilla L.C.A.'s