Hi Richard,
I was e-mailing Paul Harker the other day and he sent a copy of this
photo which is the J/wing hockey team of 1965/66.
I can remember most of the names but was wondering if you could put
this on the web site and see if we cannot fill in the blanks.
Top row is PTI ? Bettis, John J O'Neil, ?? Smithy Smithson ?? Roger
Crossman Terry Bignell Major Campbell. The PTI I cannot remember but
then there is myself, Paul Harker, Roger waterfield, Paul Welstead and
Dave Barton.
Hope you can print this as it would be fine for the others in the photo
to look back at some more memories.
Hope all is well with you my friend and hope to see you at the reunion
this year.
Best wishes
PS: Ray Lloyd suggests
the PTI's name. Thank you.