Royal Tournament CD
"Splendour of the March" 1968


Paddy Dunn (Sir Vivian's son) over the last few years has been re-issuing a lot of his father's recordings on CD and as I was his B/M during those last years that Sir Vivian served, his son always sends me a copy. I think the quality is quite good after all these years and if you would like one I'll send it to you. However, what I really was interested in was the pictures in the CD booklet!

I had never seen any of them before and so I phoned Paddy and asked him if he would send me the actual pictures which he told me he had found in one of his dad's old boxes. I am absolutely sure also that none of the guys involved have seen them, so it would be great to put them on the web site and see if anyone comes up with memories or comments?

I know I've sent you one already but the ones coming may be better. The first group of three is taken from the CD booklet so you can use the writings which I have altered in one particular place (Capt Jimmy Pottle did not direct the Dance Band) it was B/M Dougie Drake who also did all the band arrangements. At the end I have given the CD number etc; in case any old & bold would want a copy.

Michael Hutton


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