usual the display was once again, spectacular, the introduction started
with a female musician (Flute and Piano so I'm told) singing or la laaing,
and was really very very good she was accompanied by a lone Cello which
was joined by the band and fanfare trumpets in due course (hope I've
got that right I've had a few drinks since then!!) the display was "something
else" and was enough to bring a tear to even the most stalwart
bandsman's eye.
Initially I thought the intro. was the music to Gladiator, you remember
that rather haunting theme when Russell Crowe walked through the corn
field's, well it was something like that culminating in what to me was
the introduction to "Cry me a river" by Michael Buble (from
his Crazy Love album), however, the programme stated it was 'Le reve'
by Jutras and arr. by WO1 Dean Waller.
There was something of an anti climax here (as an introduction it was
phenomenal) and we thought it was to go on to bigger and more spectacular
things but suddenly stopped, accompanied by loud bangs from assorted
pyrotechnics (flashes and flame etc very impressive) after that it went
into the usual 3 beat rolls and off we went to the Beat Retreat which
was exceptionally well rehearsed and musically second to none with all
but two of the pieces either composed or arranged by W01 Waller, a very
talented man.
courtesy of John Pring (Spain)
More pyrotechnics were to follow as the band formed up for the finale
with Sunset and Rule Britannia etc. Altogether a wonderful display that
would have thrilled anyone who was fortunate enough to have the pleasure
so see it, Simon Cowell could learn something from it maybe!!.
We made our way back to the bar to search for those members who may
not have been there last year, Ollie Oliver, Dave Stockham, Pete Yetman,
Alan Walker, Stan Putrell, Laurie Lovelace, Derek Usher, Merv Durrant,
John Hillier, Len Lewry, Scotty, Dave Aves and Mick Hickman to name
but a few were among the usuals but I also got to speak to Mick Button,
Trevor Attwood and John Pring, there were others that my memory fails
to recall at present but it was on the whole a very good turnout.
Pam came with me again and has, as you know, made quite a few friends
and acquaintances by now and thoroughly enjoys the evening and the church
service the following morning.
I did have the pleasure of meeting Adrian Brett (do you remember him,
he joined with Jack Arberry around 1959 I think) at the service he couldn't
attend the evening do as he has to get a dep' in to take his place in
the orchestra for The Lion King, he did promise to attend the evening
do next year, that's the thing about reunion's once you've attended
one it becomes quite addictive. Also at the church was Mick Hutton,
Terry Freestone, Graham Hoskins and again others who I can't recall
just now.
Thanks for keeping the website so active and we hope you'll be with
us at the 'do' next year.
Best wishes to yourself and your assistant.
Jem and Pam
courtesy of Bob Cummins
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