Generous Donation |
Dear Friends, 28 Years! This website continues to stand out on its own in spite of the not so much 'competition' but the alternate choices of keeping up to date with current and historic information. May I suggest that in our own case the accessibility of all stories, anecdotes etc; via the Notice Board are an easy way to spend an hour or more whereas the posts on other media modes are somewhat lost in the vast columns that increase literally by the minute. Who's counting? My internet fees continue as ever but that is all I have to pay for which includes space, hosting and domain. I ask for no reward as from the very humble and simple beginning way back in 1996 I have created and continue to maintain this electronic library (so to speak) for the sheer pleasure of it. You will note that there are simple inclusions that may only take me a few minutes to create but I have spent many days in creation of some of the most compelling stories from those of us with great memories and the ability to put them into words. Your voluntary donations large and small are much appreciated and from this point on there seems little point in 'counting' but only to recognise your gift whether it be one time or you choose to contribute at a future time. I shall indicate that you have donated and keep your e-mail link attached to your name. Please let me know as and when or if your address may change. Many thanks for your interest and I continue to remain your dedicated web master. It is my pleasure to provide this service to the many of you who continue to visit the pages and make so many kind comments. Sincerely. Richard
(Dickie) Valentine