G ‘Jango’ Warren 1945-1972
RMB 3849 Musician Served 1961-1972. |
known as Jango Warren, he completed training in J Wing in April 1963
and was given a short draft to HMS Ganges, leaving in July 1964. Jango then returned to Deal in preparation for sea-time with a newly formed band onboard HMS Eagle.. he was the owner of a Heinkel bubble car and went for a jolly to Ramsgate in it one evening with Paddy Higginson and Ginge Deary... Paddy, who was in the front decided he wanted to comb his hair and turned the rear-view mirror to admire himself. He and Jango got into a bit of a tussle over the mirror.. Jango subsequently took his eye off the road and they collided into a traffic island. The Heinkel rebounded and Paddy was ejected from the front opening door tearing his suit in the process. The low axle was bent by hitting the kerb of the island but Jango managed to get the car back to Deal. He travelled on the Tiger in either August or September 1964 from Plymouth on a trip circumnavigating around South America and in 1965 he was on a grand tour of the United States. Jango
was afforded the luxury of an overseas posting with the Royal Marines
Band St Angelo in Malta around -1966/67.. Runs ashore on the island
were commonplace for the band.. Jango was card sharp... he was an expert
player and earned many a beer showing card tricks. While he was stationed
in Malta, it’s understood that Jango stated that he and Pat would
both die together in a boat... Jango was subsequently drafted to the Band of HM Royal Marines Britannia Royal Naval College at the beginning of 1968, where he gained a reputation as a superb trumpet and solo cornet player, Taff Ruffle remarked that Jango played the best Post Horn Gallop he’d ever heard.. he also excelled in the popular BRNC Dance Band of the early seventies. Jango
was an excitable character and mechanically minded... away from band
duties, he would enjoy spinning around town with other lads from the
band in his mini.. crashing on at least one occasion in Victoria Road
and doing a runner! He enjoyed turning his hand to other various ventures...
one particular project was building the BSA Gold Star sourcing out the
original parts, the motorcycle was made by the company from 1938 to
1963. They were 350 cc and 500 cc single-cylinder four-stroke production
motorcycles, known for being among the fastest bikes of the 1950’s.
Jango later swapped his Gold Star for a Triumph Combination. Many
of other bandies at the time would have secondary jobs to supplement
their beer money, Jango joined some of the other lads working in the
afternoons at a nearby daffodil farm, also potato picking and hay making.. Jango
& Pat went to live on a houseboat in Kingswear Creek named ‘Water
Gypsy’, one day they lost their keys so had to wait for the tide
to go out in order for them to go underneath the boat and come up through
a hatch in the bedroom. Jango
teamed up with ginger haired crabber Edgar Holden in order to earn a
living in the run up to his impending discharge on 9th April... unfortunately
it never happened... Police
had to go and find Bart as the Jangos’ collie dog Dax would not
let them on the boat. RIP Jango, Pat and Edgar. Paul Foley |