dear Dickie,
It was really nice to get your email today ... and many thanks for trying
to sort out my stupid typo. I nearly scuppered all the previous good work
at the eleventh hour, but luckily Mike Tellick sent me one of his VERY
early morning messages wondering why I had changed the original time.
(D'you know ... he wakes up at sparrow-fart and sits in bed and dashes
off emails ... mainly to me!!!! He took a selfie on his iPad of him doing
this once!!! ... Leslie and I nearly choked on our meusli!!!!!). So, many
thanks for getting my corrective massage [sic] adjusting my mistrake [sic]
posted so quickly!! (sorry!!!).
Monday (i.e. September 22) is looking like being a day of mixed emotions.
[Editor] See guest book entries for relevant details [Editor] I won't
be the only person seeing some old pals for the first time in many years
... about half-a-century in my case. We will go to Roger Smith's place
later in the day (it's about 200 yards from the "Plough") and
record some video messages for Maxie Beare (we can't have a massed live
Skype as it's the middle of the night in Kiwiland) and then some of us
will go and watch the Collingwood Band's evening Beat Retreat at Deal
Castle. Our Centaur old ships Bert Nicholls has a grand-daughter serving
with that band!!!!
The attached photo was taken as Christmas approached in 1958. The bunch
of reprobates are, from rear left: Richard Baker, me sporting my new,
illegal tattoo obtained in Chatham when recovering from a broken collar-bone
and an Asian flu strain and 3 matelots on my ward took me ashore, got
me drunk ... and got me tattooed!!!!!!! Geordie Brookes back right, Roy
"Tex" Pettet front left and Howard Siviter, trombone, who left
after a few years in Staff Band, joined the army and got commissioned.
I thought this may amuse you!!!
Many thanks for your good wishes for our meeting; I'll add yours to several
others I'll announce to the guys on Monday.
With my kindest best wishes to you, as ever.

Left: Richard Baker, me (Willi Watson) Geordie Brookes back right,
Roy "Tex" Pettet front left and Howard Siviter, trombone. |