have a special request I wonder if you can help me with.
Some of the Ark Royal Band 59-61 are looking to hold a 50 year Reunion
next year 2010, and we would like to pass the word on to any of the
boys from this Band. They can contact me on my e-mail address. I am
enclosing a photo with most of them in.

It would be great if anyone knows the whereabouts of any of them, so
we can make contact with them.
I don't have a full list of them but can remember:
Ray Woodfield, Fred Stagg, Dip Hillman, John Stennings, Fred Parr, Ted
Whealing, Terry Beynon, Bernie McCabe, Pony Moore, Jazz Jarman, Joe
Cole, Dave Jones, Charlie Solomon, Tom Bowler & and Vic Judd.
Sadly Chas Pelling and Wally Walton are no longer with us.
[email] > Jim
Roots RMB 3549