Gordon E (Polly) Perkins
1932 - 2015
By Ray Perkins (son)

We had a nice service for Gordon on Thursday. Father Gatt who has known the family for many years did the service for us and we ran a slide show of dad over the years.

Dad used to play the Clarinet so we had "Stranger on the Shore" by Acker Bilk playing at the start. During the slide presentation we had the Neil Diamond song "The Story of My Life" which now has a very special meaning to me. We also played two tunes by the Royal Marine Bands that Dad would have played many times "Abide with Me with Last Post" very solemn and "Imperial Echo's". If you get the chance to play them, turn the volume up so he can hear you.

Still hard to believe he has gone, now the funeral is over with all the preparations etc we are feeling very low.
It is the first time our Aussie family of 1966 has lost one of their own.

An updated card is attached. Background is our horse paddocks in the early morning mist.

Love to you all


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