The photo is Peter Heming DOM RM with Pompey band at the Guildhall Pompey,
the photo is after 1977. I've split the old photo into two larger sections
as to be able to see a little closer who people are.
I first met Peter prior to the photo when I was sitting in on drums
with the Southampton All Stars Big Band, of which one of the band members
was Harold Price on trombone. I think it was Dave Harris that introduced
me to Peter who were both propping up the bar for medicinal (<<<thank
goodness for spell check) purposes. Little did I know that further down
the line he would become the DOM of Pompey Band and I would also be
onboard the Yacht under his direction.
If anyone can name all the personnel in the photo it would be great,
you big swot, just in case someone does, so, if anybody rises to the
challenge, name the tune as well:)
the photo I was on kit, as Tom Scade and Taff the percussionists, were
playing a xylophone duet. You can just see a little bit of Taff as the
photo was cropped and cut Tom off the photo. You may be wondering why
there were three drum kits on stage? Peter had written a number to feature
the drummer, but had three of us to exchange 'fours', and then drum
ad-libs, plus it always gives the lads in the band a breather, while
we were sweating and by the sound of us, building a shed behind them.
understand that Peter took over the baton for the “Mantovani Orchestra”
which gave me happy memories of watching the orchestra on a Sunday afternoon
in the 50s, surrounded by my family watching on our very small black
and white tv, in Wolverhampton (the MIGHTY WOLVES ARE BACK, sorry, got
carried away)
interesting that my chat with Dickie when he mentioned Peter's name,
that this photo was sought out, and all the memories of this man was
a big part of our "swinging the L E D lights” chat across
the pond.
All the very best
to you all.
Law ex Bugler
Looking at the way Peter had the band rigged up on stage, instrumentation
wise that is, for what reason did he do it this way?

Dave Bromley, Bob Simmonds RIP, Pete Scott, Dick Clarke, Craig Henderson??
Graham Holman. Bass Clart : Bill Callow. Oboe: Baz Hill?, Flute: Paddy
Mcdermott, can't remember the C/Sgt.
Alto: Kelvin Smith
RIP, can't remember the other one. Tenor Sax: Gaz Davies, Simon Grinter,
Bari Sax: Julian Vernon-Ludbrook, Horns: Knocker White, Paul Baker,
Huw Morris RIP, Yogi Barfoot Trombones: Mick Davis, John (Shiner) Wright
RIP, can't remember Bass Trombone, Cornets: Alan Upton, Dick Grainger,
Derek Usher??, Euph: Graham Vaughan, Graham West,, possibly Brian Allen
RIP, Basses: Brick Wall, Martin Ives, ? Percussion .? please note no