Royal Naval School of Music
Can anyone name names?

Here is another poser for you to put on the site, just as you wish. Firstly though, I just have to enquire if someone has been kind enough to send you the splendid programme the East Kent Mercury put out for the occasion of the Royal Band's performance on the Green at Walmer. I shall write to them to thank them for this really posh bit of printing. Here is the poser. On page 15 of this programme there appears a photograph of 13 Royal Marine officers taken in formal positions underneath the sign Royal Naval School of Music at the front of East Barracks. Can anyone serving or retired name them all, or, indeed, any of them. For myself I know three certainly and possibly one or two others. It will be amazing if anyone comes up with the answer. Perhaps whoever posted it may have the names printed on the original, I would be eager to know.

Tom Lambert

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