Oct 2008
RMBx 563 George Manktelow

Hi Richard,

This is to inform you that Ex musician RMBx 563 George Manktelow has passed on recently at the age of 93 plus.

George served the corps as a cornet player for 22 years before transferring to the Band of the Royal Engineers Chatham where he served for 5 years. He then migrated to Australia and joined the RAAF Central Band where he served another 12 years. A grand total of 39 years. When he finally left the service he then became an active member of the Brass band world here in Victoria and was still "blowing" and marching well into his Eighties.

I only learned of his passing last night so I have not got the exact date but it was I believe in October.

Could I please ask that you place George on the Sunset list.

My best regards to you and yours Richard,

Eric Hayward.

Further to the "Obit" for George Manktelow I forgot to include this little gem. While talking to George last year he happened to mention that he was in the Royal Marines Band that played for the Kings Funeral. When I said that would have been in 1952, George said "No, not King George the Sixth, but King George the FIFTH in 1936".

I don't think that there would be many around who were with him on that gig. I trust with your editing prowess you will be able to do something with this.

Once again Richard thanks,

Cheers Eric.

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