I found a copy of the Royal Tournament 1954 in the Hungerford Arcade.
I'm fairly certain that I was in the Staff Band that year and remember
the whole show was run by Capt Lang, but I don't think we ever saw a
programme of the events. The colour pic is very interesting because
of the Memorial Silver Trumpets having the old RNSM blue banners. Unfortunately
the centre picture has not copied very well, but I'm certain that it
was taken while I was in Malta in 1953 and we performed a Trooping the
Colour ceremony on Floriana Parade Ground. Were any of you there?
shall send the whole copy to the 'Blue Band for their next issue, perhaps
they can get a better copy of the centre spread.
[Editor] My astute and clever assistant has managed
to piece the two halves together and by clicking on the image below,
you should see a pretty good reproduction. Many thanks to Leila (LaDerzi).