J Ovenden LRSM, RM |
Denis Ovenden along with John Stone, Stan Wilkinson, Ken Kelley, Ray West, Jim Mason, myself - and seventeen others were all members of the RM Band on HMS Glasgow. Flag Ship of Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten in the Med 1952-54, and also the first sea going band to be stationed ashore at HMS Phoenicia on Manoel Island in 1953. Denis and I were very good mates and somehow managed to find somewhere in the bowels of the Glasgow when at sea (which was quite frequently) to practice and we used Denis’s Jancourt Bassoon duet book. Obviously he played the top part and I struggled with the second. Den would usually stand behind me, music on the stand and I could just about manage to use about three quarters of my Cello bow! as we both tried to make some kind of music. Denis and I were obviously very good mates and even went to our first Opera ‘Madame Butterfly’ together when visiting Naples, and when stationed ashore on Manoel Island we with help of a Naval Petty Officer set up a radio system so that we could listen to broadcasts of classical concerts from Italy. We along with Ray West were involved in music making in the Governors Residence – usually with other local musicians involved in chamber music.