Hi Rich,
am trying to locate any of the band from HMS Ark Royal 1963/65. We did
a tour of the far east and I was wondering what happened to all my old
mates. A list of names is listed but most are nicknames and I can't
recall all of them. I would imagine many are now accompanying arch angel
Gabriel, but hopefully there are still
who are around today who will remember the tour.
I have also attached a photograph of the bunch of reprobates.
right: HMS Ark Royal - Singapore.
Band Master Paul 'Red' Shelton
Band Sgts. Terry Williams (Deceased) &
Dave Chamberlain
Band Cpls. 'Eggy' Epps (see Buddy List)
& Miles Atwell
Bug Cpl. Bungy Williams
Buglers Pip Brand & Pete Pritchard (In touch with Pete)
Musicians Pete Smith, Ginger Davies, Jim McLaren, Ken Fretwell, (Deceased)
Dip Hillman, Dave Clegg, Mostyn Cole, Mick Hayes, Knocker White, (see
Buddy List) Olly Aldridge, Jock Wilson, Geoff Hill, Oggy Busby,
Alan Tomlinson.

6 Tango 1 Mess
you have some success as both Pete Pritchard and myself would love to
hear from any of the lads.
(Bernie) Whincop