Australia 28th April 2004 to 27th May 2004
"Da Capo" I - II - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

(13) Peter and Bette's adventure
A brief account of the places we visited.

Newman (457km),
Indicates the start of the "downhill" where instead of going deeper into the outback, we start to think about leaving it.
However there is still a long way to go.Perth is still 4-5 days away.

Since entering the Pilbara Region, we once again notice subtle changes to the landscape and to the way the rest areas are laid out - they have more shelters and the one at Mount Robinson even had an environmental hi-tech toilet with a notice pinned to the door telling us to beware of thieving Dingos.


The road now undulated and twisted about a bit and this was something new for us after the long stretches of straights.
Two Mountain ranges dominate the Pilbara - The Hammersley Range and the Opthalmic range. The latter named after the discoverer who was having eye trouble.
The early explorers must have been pretty tough guys - there were no roads or tracks for them to follow.

Our only company on this road for most of the day was the inevitable road trains. These ones were carrying general cargo rather than mining gear and they moved in a steady stream.






The Typical Pilbara Shelter



The Typical
Pilbara Shelter

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