Malta 22
June 1927, born into a Military family.

Tom Lambert and Maxie Beare
Thomas Lambert, fondly known to all who know him as Tommy Lambert. What
a thrill it was for me to receive from his daughter Gillian an invitation
to Tommy’s surprise 80th birthday celebration, along with other
ex R M Bandsmen, family and friends.
I arrived at Adelaide International Airport on Saturday the 23rd June
and was met by Bob Chumley and Eric Hayward. I was to stay with Bob
and Carol and was to be kept hidden until the celebration began proper
at 1pm on Sunday. Saturday was a day of chat and catching up with all
the Aussie news and, likewise the Kiwi news since we last met in December
06. It was then that we learned Ray and Jenny Taylor had motored down
from Melbourne, as did Eric and Jan, also in the mix was Jan Bulley
and wife Hilde, it can now be seen that this was the start of a further
reunion of like minded souls. However the main event was not far away,
and after a good nights rest we were all up and ready for the big day.
Arriving at Zac's famous restaurant, we were then introduced to the
remainder of Tom's family and all his friends the number swelling by
the minute. Keeping this secret was the devils own job, and was nearly
spoiled by Tom's son David who had flown in from Melbourne where he
now lives and rang his Dad to wish him happy birthday cos he was unable
to attend. Haha! saying the weather in Adelaide was colder than in Melbourne?
Come 1pm after all the introductions all eyes were on the main door,
when, Tom, Marge and Gillian appeared. Tom's first reaction was to say
the least bizarre, stumbling in seeing all those people sort of threw
him, and all he could utter was "I’m gob smacked", then
he recognised all the ex Bandsmen present, and became very emotional.
Max, Max, MAX, is that really you? I had emailed the night before wishing
him well, from my home in NZ.
Well, after big hugs and more tears, and heaps of photographs we sat
down to the surprise lunch, and the attached pictures will show at least
some of the atmosphere that was created. The inevitable speeches given
by a number of guests really showed how much dear Tom is thought of,
and in his own speech all he could dwell on was the time he spent with
the Pompy band and all that served there. Now then, the highlight of
this occasion you may think has been the meeting and the dining, No
way! It was indeed the announcement by Tom that he had received would
you believe it? A Birthday card from none other than our own Capt General
Prince Phillip, sadly it was not signed, but never the less, it took
up half the after noon doing its rounds being shown to all and sundry.
What a picture Tom's face was on the showing and subsequent reading
of the text.
All good things they say come to an end, and this was no exception,
it was time to say goodbye as we all went our different ways, those
present were promised a further celebration in 2017, but I look forward
to 2027 when ‘the’ Telegram will arrive from you know who.
S Maxie Beare
birthday´s Photo Album |

01 - Eric and Jan Hayward |

02 Bob Chumley |

03 Yum yum delicious cake! |

04 - Tom Lambert with family & friends

names? |


07 Tom Lambert & Max Beare |
Happy Returns Tom,
on behalf of all those who know you.
Richard - Webmaster |
dear, a rather long letter just vanished from the screen. In the course
of it I said many things, all of them thanking many people for the wonderful
memory they have given me of this period of my life. I will attempt
a recapitulation.
First and absolutely foremost, I will, immediately I sign this off,
send you a cheque for 25 pounds to bring my financial status up to snuff.
Please forgive me for being slow off the mark. Next, I have to thank
you again for being so generous with time and space on the notice board.
I am still utterly gob-smacked at the way my "octoneriance"
was handled. I thought we were going to a quiet family lunch, at a rather
smart Greek fish restaurant, but on arrival, and in a very bemused state,
I was suddenly confronted by a large crowd of very dear friends, some
of whom had come from overseas and interstate. My dear old erstwhile
solo cornet from the Pompey Band, an absolutely reliable player and
general tower of strength, had come over from New Zealand, Ray Taylor
another of my splendid players (especially rugby) had brought his lovely
wife Jenny over from Victoria, as had Eric Hayward from that exquisitely
named Kangaroo Flat. Another particular buddy who lives close by was
Alan Bulley (60 years ago we used to compete together in the Cross Country
at Howstrake camp, now he lives about three miles away from me.) He
celebrated his 80-th a couple of days ago up in Queensland.
It is absolutely true that I somehow or another had a birthday card
from HRH Prince Phillip. What a wonderful
reminder of the work the Yacht Band and I did together in the 60's.
There is so much more I would like to say, but "Bless you all"
is about right for now.
You too Richard. Money is on the wing.